Monday, June 04, 2007

Eating on a Cross Country Tour

It may not look like the oven in your kitchen, but in those dutch ovens, Michelle is baking lasagna and homemade bread for our Mississippi cross country bike tour.

Along with Vicky's beautiful salad and freshly picked strawberries for dessert, we all had a wonderful meal!

Cross Country Mississippi Tour

Just back from the Meandering Mississippi tour. This 6-week cross country tour started in New Orleans and will end in a couple weeks in Minneapolis. I was lucky enough to join the group in Memphis and ride with them to St. Louis. It was wonderful to meet everyone - here are most of them in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, a town we will never forget for their hospitality. We even made the newspaper that day.

Team Estrogen Winner

Congratulations to Ann Mackey of Jacksonville, Florida. Her name was drawn in our sweepstakes with Team Estrogen for a free WomanTours trip. We'll be thrilled to host her on one of our bike tours.