I am thankful for ...
... all the women who took a WomanTours trip this year.
... Gloria who had the foresight to start WomanTours many years ago.
... the
guides who make the trips run seamlessly and their jobs look easy.
Beth and
Annette who shoot our tours and make our catalog and website beautiful.
Ellen, our art director, who puts it all together with grace and ease.
... Tom who keeps our website clean and consistent.
... Chuck, the best financial advisor a sister could have.
... Sandra, Jennifer and Michelle, the best women in the world to work with.
... my nieces Emily and Denise, and Marilyn for running in the
Webster Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day with me.
Without all their help, WomanTours wouldn't be where it is today - helping women, one at a time, experience the joy that bicycling can bring.