Thursday, December 10, 2015

Apply for a Free Tour

We're looking for women who may have suffered a loss, overcome an obstacle, or are in desperate need of a respite, and who would not otherwise be able to afford one of our tours.

We will give away up to 4 free trips to our Island Hopper tour in Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard June 10-14, 2016 to the most deserving women.

We are fortunate to have an angel who has made a substantial donation to help us keep "doing what we do." We know how rejuvenating our bicycle tours can be, so we are paying it forward.

Tell us why you or someone you know deserves one of our free tours by Christmas, and we'll announce the winners on New Year's Eve. Start your 2016 right. Good luck!


Suzanne said...

When will the results be announced ?

Jackie Marchand said...

New Year's Eve day.